Tuesday, September 23, 2008


When I started out reading Crime and Punishment I honestly did not enjoy it, but the more we talk about it and the more I look at the work as a whole the more I have come to really appreciate it. After today's discussion I appreciate Dostoevsky's novel even more especially in taking a detailed look at the history and philosophy behind it. I remember learning about existentialism in tenth grade but I did not realize how significant it is in Crime and Punishment. I thought it was very interesting exploring how existentialism played a part in Dostoevsky's life and how it is embodied by the character Raskolnikov as the reader gets into his head to examine his motives and sees how his redemption came through his suffering.
Also, before I had never thought of the story as being the story of Lazarus, and I'm still not exactly sure how it is, but I thought that was interesting and something new to think over.
While reading the book I definitely felt drawn into Raskolnikov's mind and after finishing a reading session I would often feel unsettled like I had just commited his crime so when he said that we had all murdered- with our hatred and anger, it really struck me. That's why Raskolnikov's psychology drew me in, not only did Dostoevsky write it out well, but I could relate to it because I had actually commited his crime but with my thoughts and not with an axe.
I enjoyed this talk today becuase it gave me a bigger perspective on the novel and the important factors surrounding it from a very knowledgeable pastor's point of view.

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