Sunday, October 12, 2008

evange-blogging for oedipus

In Sophocles play, Oedipus Rex, the protagonist, Oedipus, is given the tragic flaw of pride. This vice causes him to kill the people of the carriage that was in his way and declare exile for the pollutant of the city. He killed his father, an act he was trying to avoid, and he exiled himself because he was unknowingly the cause of the city's problems. Since he did not control his anger he acted recklessly bringing abhorrence and banishment upon himself.
As we have learned from CS Lewis, pride is the worst of sins because it is the root for more sin and it makes people impossible for a person to look up since their always looking down. Oedipus's pride leads to his anger which causes his recklessness. Being full of pride also means that he is looking down. He accuses Terisius and Creon for plotting against him, but if he were looking up he would see that "fate" is controlling him.
God's word gives us warnings to keep people from ending up like Oedipus for "pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18

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